A Beginners Guide To Pole Dancing

Choosing to embark on the art and sport of pole dance leads to an amazing journey filled with many moments of self discovery, some of self doubt, and most of immense triumph. Yes, there are going to be moments that you feel as though you are on top of the world and can’t nobody bring you down. But, there will be other days where it feels as though you can’t get anything right, on those days I hope you look back at this article and it reminds you that you’ve got this! Whatever you are going through is all a part of the journey and with patience, consistency and dedication to growth you will not only survive, you will thrive in this space! Still, there are a few things i want you to remember as you go on this journey

Remember …

The first thing I want you to remember as you grow as a pole dance is to “be kind to yourself!” You are not perfect, nothing you do will be perfect so you might as well rip the bandage off now and settle for things being pretty damn good! Don’t waste time beating yourself up if you don’t get something immediately. I mean, how many times have you tried something for the first time and been the LeBron James of it? Not very often I’m assuming, and that’s okay. Be kind to yourself, don’t beat your self up about where you are right now, or what you can or can’t do yet. Aim for progression not perfection. If you do that, I guarantee you growth will happen!

The second thing I want you to remember is “patience is key”. Be patient, give yourself time to “suck” because by attempting to rush the journey you may end up slowing yourself down with injuries or missed lessons. Patience will ensure that you are being safe as you carry your body up and down a 10ft pole! Patience will make sure that you learn the foundations you need to be able to learn more complex moves and combos later down the road, and I say this with full awareness that it is hard! There are so many cool tricks out there and I want to learn them all as well! But have patience padawan, pole isn’t going anywhere. Be patient, be safe.

The last thing I want you to remember is this “sugar honey iced tea hurts”! You’re gonna get bruised (pole kisses) and you’re gonna fall. I’m not wishing bad on you, I’m simply stating the reality of this sport we both love. You’re not less of a dancer if you fall, in fact you’re just right where you need to be to get back up again. So take a deep breath, find your center and give it another shot!

Grip, aids and more

The greatest obstacle you will face on your pole journey besides lack of strength is grip! Between sweaty hands, dry skin and weak fingers sometimes things just don’t work out because you don’t have the tools you need to get a grip (knee slapper). Anyway, That’s where grip aids and smart application come in handy!

  You will hear this over and over again on your pole journey but don’t wear lotion before a pole class, the day you plan to pole or before getting on the pole, that will lead to an unfortunately slippery day. But, at the same time, having dry skin will also contribute to you slipping off the pole and this is because dry skin has no tackiness to it. Watered down glycerin is a great option for dry skin just not for hands, as well as water based or alcohol based moisturizers if applied the night before . Avoid any oil based lubricants if you plan to pole any time soon.  Another option for minimizing the slipperiness that comes with dry skin or the oiliness of lotion is a moisture with tac based grip aid such as Itac2. Moisture with tac based pole grips are types of grips that offer moisturizing effects for the skin while also offering a slightly tacky finish to help you grip the pole. These types of grips are good for everything but the hands and feet! That is because they are moisture based and applying any moisture solution to your hands (especially if you have sweaty hands ) leads to an even sweatier situation. Now you might be asking how do I apply it to my body then? The best way to apply moisture with tac grips is to use a pole rag! Dip the rag into your grip, apply to the desired area and voila! Happy poling.

So what about our hands? What if I have dry hands?  There are many options for grip aids for hands. Antiperspirants, grip gloves, liquid chalks and certain tack based grips are all options for hands and feet. For sweaty hands liquid chalks and antiperspirants are great options. For drier hands there are tack based grip aids like monkey hands that leave a stickier finish or resin based grips that help you stick without adding moisture to an already slippery situation. Grip gloves work as an all around great idea if you don’t mind not having direct contact with the pole. Below is a list of great grip aid options! And sometimes you might need to combine a couple to get your desired finish. For example my favorite grip combo consists of an antiperspirant, plus monkey grip and a light application of dry hands to get my desired pole grip but that changes with the seasons, the humidity, how sweaty I am etc. Feel free to play around with different combinations of grips to find which works for you!

Liquid chalks

  1. Dry Hands ( sold at Pole Plus)

  2. Mighty Grip

  3. Total grip

Moisture with Tac

  1. Itac2

  2. Pole Mamas

  3. Gorilla Snot


  1. Tite Grip II

  2. Carpe

  3. Girlie Grip


  1. Lupit pole grip (towel)

  2. Gorilla Gold (towel)

  3. Trick Tac (towel)

  4. Grip it (spray)

  5. Pole Grip (gel)

Now if you try all of these and you’re still having trouble sticking to the pole then wash your hands, clean off your pole and give yourself some time to build the strength necessary to stay on the pole longer. For this, classes like Pole conditioning on Tuesdays at 8:25, Wednesdays at 7:20 or Saturdays at 11:40 can be very useful as they are designed to help you build that strength. Cross training is also a really great option and grip training with a stress ball can also be a useful addition but time is your best friend in all regards.

Pole wear

Pole wear can get pricey! When I first started pole I was in my early twenties and didn’t really have a lot of money to spend on pole clothes so it wasn’t really an option for me at the time, and if it isn’t for you as well that’s okay, a sports bra and shorts is always acceptable! But as you get into more advanced moves, tricks and grips you’re going to need access to parts of your skin that shorts may cover. For example, many hip holds as specified In the name require access to the hips and many types of shorts cover that area. This is where pole specific clothing comes in handy. This is why people say the more advanced you get at pole the more naked you get. Because we need that skin contact with the pole to stay on it. So for your safety wear less clothing. That being said sticky leggings are also a great option for pole gear. While swim suits and lingerie are also options for pole, there are many cons to this option such as lack of grip, limited support and an increased potential for wardrobe malfunction. Pole wear is designed to be flexible, supportive, and comfortable. They are designed with features that maximize grip on the pole! So if you can afford it and enjoy the aesthetic definitely get into it but it’s not a requirement. Below are some great brands to try if you’d like to get more into pole specific gear.  All in all do what feels right for you

Pole Wear

Bee Creative Signs & designs


Pole and Push Polewear


That’s all for today , Happy Poling!


15 Tips to Prepare You For Your First Pole Class